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Aborto Legal En Chihuahua

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Given this situation, the next step for the Chihuahua Congress is to amend the Penal Code, which stipulates that abortion is the death of the product of conception at any stage of pregnancy and is punishable by imprisonment for the woman who voluntarily performs her abortion, as well as for those who have aborted it with or without consent. In Texas` border communities, people have long performed their own abortions at higher rates than the rest of the state and country. A national survey of abortion clinics found that 12 percent of their patients living on the Texas-Mexico border at some point tried to take care of their own abortion — compared to 7 percent of patients in Texas and 2.6 percent nationally. In addition to decriminalizing abortion, in addition to women as a subject who can perform an abortion, this initiative also includes the duration of the pregnant person`s term of office to the law. “I recognize that I was able to do this with all my (my) privileges,” Lucero said, acknowledging that for other borders, access to abortion is not so easy. When you cross the Paso del Norte Bridge from downtown El Paso to Juarez, “the first thing you see is a bar, another bar, a pharmacy, a bar — maybe a good restaurant or two,” said Lina-Maria Murillo, an assistant professor at the University of Iowa who is researching the history of reproductive health care at the border. In Juarez, a good number of pharmacies sell misoprostol, an abortion-causing drug, in boxes of 28 pills that cost about $20. Currently, the state penal code states that abortion is “the death of the product of conception at any time of pregnancy” and a sentence of six months to six years in prison is imposed on the person performing the procedure or the woman who performs her own abortion. As barriers to clinical abortion increase, people are more likely to choose to take care of their own abortion. Abigail Aiken, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin, and her research team found that with each increase, the number of self-directed abortions increases by 40 miles from the nearest abortion clinic. The lower the person`s income, the more likely they are to try to terminate their pregnancy without resorting to a clinical setting. According to the document, he is encouraged to amend articles 143, 144, 145 and 146 of the Chihuahua Penal Code. Article 143 also seeks to add the penalty for forced abortion without the consent of the pregnant woman or pregnant person with a sentence of three to six years` imprisonment.

The woman, who preferred to remain anonymous for security reasons, promoted the Amparo appeal in April 2021, months before the Supreme Court plenary ruled on the unconstitutionality of the abortion crime in Coahuila, setting a precedent for other states. “Very few doctors agreed, even though a judge ruled that a person is having an abortion,” Rios said. “As a doctor, there is no law that requires me to practice it.” If your life-threatening continuation of your pregnancy, you can request a legal abortion (even if the risk is not immediate). Your doctor is obliged to offer you the abortion if your life is in danger if you continue with it; For example: in severe preeclampsia. No one should force you to take unnecessary risks. Article 146 They are deemed to exclude criminal liability for the crime of abortion: I. when the pregnancy is the result of rape, provided that it is carried out within the first ninety days of pregnancy or artificial insemination in accordance with article 148 of this Code; II. If the abortion is not induced, then, in the opinion of the doctor assisting her, the pregnant woman may seriously harm her health and hear the advice of another doctor whenever possible and the delay is not dangerous; III. This is the result of reckless behavior of the pregnant woman. Some providers in the United States near the city of Chihuahua, Mexico, and many abroad, use a misoprostol protocol only to supplement an abortion.

Many people who run their own abortion services also follow these protocols. Although it is not approved by the FDA, this diet is common and effective. For more information on WHO`s pure MISOPROSTOL protocols, see “As doctors, we face the dilemma of having clandestine abortions in Mexico and throughout Latin America, which translates into infant and maternal mortality,” Rios said. Lucero drove alone on the Cordova-Las Americas bridge. The seizures that the staff at the abortion clinic had told her would occur were already beginning to be felt. Since 2013, 10 people in Ciudad Juarez have been charged with illegal abortions, according to information from the Chihuahua Attorney General`s Office. Only one, in 2018, resulted in a 32-month prison sentence. NOM-046 also stipulates that conscientious objection must be respected by doctors, but the state is required to train staff in non-reprehensible medical abortion procedures. Feminist collectives in the state have already called for access to safe and legal abortion with marches and legislative pressure from women`s groups like Marea Verde Chihuahua. The marea Verde assembly in the state pointed out that after the court`s decision, a possible next step for Chihuahua would be to take the bill to Congress.

If you want to abort safely and without legal problems, but you do not know how because you live in Chihuahua, here we will tell you what to do. In addition, we talk about the laws of your state and give you some tips if you decide to go to an ILE clinic in Mexico City. Since the first FDA approval in 2000, medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, has changed in the practice of abortion care. It is extremely safe and effective for pregnancies under 12 weeks. In 2016, the FDA confirmed that “the efficacy and safety of medical abortion is well documented by research and experience, and that serious complications have been found to be extremely rare.” In a 2015 guideline, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified three individual components of self-management of a medical abortion during the first trimester: self-assessment of eligibility; administration of mifepristone and misoprostol without direct supervision from a health care provider; and self-assessment of the completeness of the abortion process through pregnancy tests and checklists. This protection is part of a legal strategy to ensure public health centers have the necessary conditions for women and women and pregnant women to have access to free, free and safe abortion in Chihuahua, the collectives said. “It is time for local legislators to make the necessary progress through legislative reforms that guarantee all women the protection of their rights, so that these procedures are conducted under the same legal and safe conditions that preserve their lives, health and legal certainty,” reads the initiative, which will be presented to the plenary of the State Congress on Thursday. Members of the PAN parliamentary group, such as Mario Vázquez, Marisela Terrazas, Rosa Isela Martínez, Rocío Sarmiento and Carlos Alfredo Olson, have already publicly and repeatedly expressed their opposition to the decriminalization of abortion and their support for conservative “pro-life” groups in Chihuahua. In 2013, after the passage of House Bill 2 that imposed hospital standards similar to abortion clinics, two clinics in El Paso were temporarily closed and abortion procedures in the county were reduced by 40 percent. Although the Supreme Court struck down the measure in 2016, other restrictions remain.

In 2017, about 96 percent of Texas counties no longer had abortion clinics. “At present, the challenge for all hospitals and institutions is to guarantee the right to a safe abortion in cases of rape. Chihuahua owes it to us,” Gutierrez said, adding that although there is the figure of the non-reprehensible doctor, abortion is still hampered by conscientious objection from conservative doctors. In the case of Sinaloa, a law was passed yesterday that decriminalizes abortion until the thirteenth week of pregnancy.