Northern California Engineering Contractors Association

Another Term for Legal Age

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I worked in a factory at the age of 9, and it was below the legal age. The certificate incorrectly stated that Aaliyah was 18 years old – and therefore the legal age. “Age of majority.” dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed July 13, 2020.Rhyme Dictionary: Words That Rhyme with Legal Age What prompted you to look for the legal minimum age? Please let us know where you read or heard it (including the quote if possible). The BBC reported that OnlyFans was not doing enough to ensure that its creators were of age or that all content published on the platform was legal. 1. Nominal expression State laws require a person to be of legal age and clear mind before entering into a legal contract. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “age of majority.” The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. We have a lot of fans who aren`t of legal age or just don`t want to bet, but our goal is to give every fan the opportunity to have the best possible experience at the baseball stadium.

On the other hand, any adult can obtain a driver`s license if he passes the required tests. Doctors have long struggled with the age of consent when it comes to mature teenagers. As much as we chat about heterosexual couples with large age differences, we at least refrain from calling them sex offenders. In the age of war, this tranquility of a monarch was the great supernatural phenomenon. In direct relationships with an age difference, words like “gold digger” and “trophy woman” are thrown. Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of additional definitions and advanced search – ad-free! He began his military career at the age of 11 and continued the service for nearly 60 years. His hair was darker – almost brown, except at the temples, where age had faded to an ashy color. The Reverend Alonzo Barnard, seventy-one years old, was present accompanied by his daughter. Here, indeed, in the dreary environment of the workshop, in the silent secret of the laboratory, the magic of the new age has begun.

Name. [`ˈeɪdʒ`] is a life (usually defined in years) during which a certain qualification or strength is created.