Northern California Engineering Contractors Association

Weird Rules Working at Disney

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Disney is known for its strange rules in its theme parks, but you may not have known that these unusual rules existed. Some are even just for guests! Jewelry is a great way to show off your personality, but it can also be distracting. For this reason, Disney artists are only allowed to wear simple jewelry that does not distract from their uniform. You can wear one ring per hand (excluding wedding ring sets) and earrings, bracelets, necklaces and basic watches. You will never see a member artist fidgeting with big dangling earrings or big bracelets. Plus, toe rings and anklets are completely taboo! These rules help keep intact the illusions Disney is building. It would be difficult to make Disney parks an enjoyable experience for everyone if there were no strategic rules. Some guests are aware of these rules, while others are expected to uphold the professionalism of their interpreters. Most people have a pretty magical time visiting these parks, so it`s safe to assume that these rules actually work. At the time Walt Disney opened Disneyland, he insisted that everyone treat each other by first name.

This leads to more camaraderie and less anxiety between people of different levels at work. However, it can also lead to awkward situations between employees working in the same area. You see, two people who have the same job on the same shift can`t have the same name. So if your name is Jennifer and there is another older Jennifer on your shift, you will receive a temporary name tag with a different name to wear while you work. As you may have noticed, maintaining their manufactured environments is the main reason for most of these Disney CM rules. This is also the reason why artists talk to each other a lot in parks. They don`t want to alert customers in case of an emergency, so they use the “code (insert letter here)” to alert other employees to a situation. Some of these codes include “Code V” in case a guest vomits and “Signal 25” if a fire broke out somewhere. Disney parks require their employees to follow fairly specific guidelines for continuing to work in the parks. However, there are still beard-related rules for men who choose to hug their facial hair.

Beards should be groomed, completely adult and no more than a quarter of an inch long. They can`t be shaped, and they can`t grow within them while an artist is working. Come to the company with a beard or be prepared to leave it at home indefinitely. Performers are known only by their first name – no “Sir” or “Miss”. Rumor has it that this tradition goes back directly to Walt Disney himself. He always told everyone in the Disney parks to call him Walt, not Mr. Disney. Employees also wear name tags with only their first name. A stranger aspect of this rule? Performers must not have duplicate names. Disney can still hire multiple people with the same first name, but there is no use of last names – one of the people has to choose a new name while at Disney. It seems a bit strange. But on the plus side, they may be able to see him as the same as a character.

Some of these Disney park rules are quite justified, even if they may seem a bit extreme. It`s hard to decipher the effects of violating these rules, though customers probably shouldn`t expect more than a slap on the wrist. Have you ever wondered if you broke the Disney park rules? Here are the 10 strange Disney park rules you didn`t know existed. People who work in Disney parks, also known as cast members, have a huge list of rules they have to follow to make everything perfect for guests. From dress codes to hair and nail requirements to behaviors they can`t do, employee policies are pretty crazy! They are so much stricter than any other workplace I`ve ever heard of. Performers are encouraged to have a certain look and a certain way of acting, which makes them appear more as a homogeneous unit than as individuals. Want to know more about these secret policies for employees? Check out the list of 25 crazy rules from Disney cast members below! Do you think working at Disney sounds like a dream job? See if you still feel that way after seeing all those strict rules that park staff have to follow. One of founder Walt Disney`s strict and quick rules is that Disney theme park visitors should never see trash on the floor, according to The Travel. Therefore, everyone from domestic staff to food vendors to Cinderella herself, is forced to pick up and dispose of garbage if it is discovered. And they are also not meant to stop and kneel or bend down to do so, but to make a kind of Sashay in a “swoop and scoop” movement while grabbing the garbage.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e There are also very specific rules for the nails of anyone who works in food or goods. Your nails should not go beyond your fingertips, and you cannot wear nail polish or false nails. Surprisingly, you can actually have a tattoo – but it needs to be completely covered, whether it`s by clothes or opaque makeup.

Disneyland and Disney World can`t maintain their “happiest place in the world” without a lot of work and attention to every detail. As soon as you enter the Disney theme park, you`re surrounded by an artificially clean, welcoming, bright, and (ideally) happy environment. This is achieved through the strict application of rules and protocols that Disney employees – called “artists” – must follow. These include familiar rules, such as costumed characters that never break character, and other weird rules you would never expect. No advertising is pretty much a standard rule for all public institutions. That being said, it seems difficult to limit the control Disney has over visitors, given the crowds they draw every day. Visitors are prohibited from doing their own business in the parks. This includes distributing flyers, business cards or selling your own products.

You might just get an initial warning, but if you don`t follow these rules, you may end up outside on the sidewalk. While an artist has its advantages, like any job, it has its disadvantages. One of the biggest drawbacks is the long and strict list of rules he gives his employees. From garbage collection in a certain way to keeping the details of your work secret, there are plenty of technical rules of rumors that new artists need to memorize. That being said, many Disney fans aren`t put off by all the guidelines they have to follow. Disney World alone employs more than 60,000 park employees. Do you think you have what it takes to be a Disney employee? Take out your favorite pair of Mickey ears and wear your best smile. It`s time to find out. While there are tons of very specific rules for Disney artists, they also have to adhere to a number of more general rules of etiquette. Treating guests and other staff with respect and kindness is, of course, at the top of the list. It`s forbidden to frown and bend over, which can be difficult if you`re super tired or annoyed by the huge crowds! CMs also can`t chew gum while working, because Walt Disney hated it and feared that chewing gum would clog up his parks.

Smoking and mobile phone use in the workplace also violate workers` policies. The rules on nail polish are actually very important given that many Disney employees work in food-related fields. Staying hygienic is a must. Plus, everything that comes from Disney is themed. Glossy varnish will never fly when placed in the Outwest-themed border. What may be surprising is that even food workers at Disney have a litany of strict, often strange, rules they have to follow. In fact, from the person selling coffee and pastries on Main Street USA to the waiters and waitresses at the EPCOT Spice Road Table restaurant, Disney magic is aided by many rules, all designed to keep illusions alive. Say goodbye to these acrylic paints; Disney has some specific rules for the appearance of nails. Most theme parks have begun to adopt this method, although it`s hard to say if Disney parks actually started the trend. Theme parks, including Disney, no longer sell tobacco products on the property.