Northern California Engineering Contractors Association


New Member

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May 2, 2019

A Newsletter 5-2-19

John’s Soapbox

KUDOS to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors!

Have I gotten mellow in my view of elected officials? It is possible. This Soapbox is going to compliment the existing Supervisors in office in Sonoma County. I know-if I wanted to I could find some things to gripe about, but fair is fair-let’s honestly look at some of the accomplishments the existing five have been able to get some credit for.

I want to start with Shirlee Zane’s unabashed support of building 14 tiny homes for veterans on Russell Avenue. Look-we all know the overall homeless problem is too complex and too varied to have some easy solution. However, in Sonoma County there are several hundred homeless veterans and I personally believe this small “slice” of the big problem is solvable. In 2015 the opportunity for this project was presented and the Supervisors appointed the Community Housing Sonoma County to manage the project. Paula Cook worked tirelessly to get this project built on County owned land. Shirlee Zane supported, cajoled, spoke in favor of, and provided the impetus to get 14 tiny homes built on a small parcel of land on Russell Avenue, just north of the County jail and just south of Kaiser Hospital. To see an article on this, click here

The location is ironic as it is entirely possible, that without these tiny homes providing safe haven for these guys, they could end up either in the jail, or in the hospital. Instead, they have a tiny home with a roof over their head, neighbors with common interest and shared history, and a door to lock that all combine to instill purpose, hope, security and pride in lives that might otherwise have none of that.

Kudos to Shirlee!

We all know what a traumatic series of events Mother Nature has dumped on our County (and others). No budget could have anticipated and had coverage for the massive commitment of resources the County of Sonoma had to put out to overcome the Tubbs and Nuns fires as well as the floods of the Russian River in 2019. The ability of the County Supervisors to get emergency funding to cover much of those costs is unprecedented. It is a tribute to their relationships with Congressmen Thompson and Huffman, as well as State Senator Mike McGuire, and State Assemblymen Jim Woods and Bill Dodd. Those relationships enabled trust and communication which led to getting emergency funding that might not have been available otherwise. It is a tribute to the character and hard work of all five of our County Supervisors that our Sonoma County budget, although stretched and frayed from the emergencies, has held up and continues to fund public safety, transportation infrastructure, and health and human services to a large extent, as it did before the emergencies.

Kudos to Susan, James, David, Shirlee, and Lynda!

Transportation infrastructure has been addressed by this group of Sonoma County Supervisors for the past 6-7 years in a healthy and productive manner. They all get the benefit of regular maintenance of our roads being good practice to safeguard the underlying structural integrity of our 1384 miles of roads in unincorporated Sonoma County. The plan that was put into action several years ago to repair our roads has so far reconstructed or resurfaced over 500 miles of our County roads. Sonoma County has been spending more General Fund dollars on roads than any other County in California for several years now. To go back to 2017 and the repaving of 170 miles in one season, click on this link from the North Bay Business Journal— link

Despite the pressure the emergencies put on the County Budget from the fires and floods, the County still intends to vote on May 21, 2019 on a planned road improvement funding that has not been reduced. The floods of 2019 caused another $23 million in damage to County roads due to washouts from high water that will get funding separate from the May 21, 2019

Supervisor vote. Emergency funding for those roads damaged in the floods is currently being sought by the Supervisors and I have no doubt they will be successful. Thanks for fixing our roads!

Kudos to David, Lynda, James, Susan and Shirlee for fixing our roads!

The 2020 elections will see Lynda Hopkins, Susan Gorin, and Shirlee Zane run as incumbents for re election to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. Slated for ECA Board action on May 21, 2019, will be whether to support and endorse the incumbents or not. This will be a Board decision, not a John decision. If you want to state your opinion on whether we should endorse these incumbents, please let me know and I will share your opinion at that Board meeting.

That’s All Folks!

John Bly

Public Officials Night Award winners and sponsors

Thank you to all our sponsors and everyone that attended the Public Officials Night on April 18th.
Antonio Mencarini of Ghilotti Construction Company was the first recipient of the “Golden Hard Hat Award” given to the most deserving worker in the ECA member firms for extraordinary work to help the Community.
Golden Hat Award Video
The Bridge Award will be given to Scott Brodhun, City of Petaluma for their work with Miracle League North Bay. Bridge Award Video
Thanks again to:
Showcase Sponsor
Team Ghilotti
Gold Sponsor
Ghilotti Construction
Platinum Sponsor
Ghilotti Bros. Inc.
Raffle Sponsor
G&G Heavy Equipment Rentals
Jim-n-i Rentals
Northgate Ready Mix
Peterson CAT
Bridge Award
Argonaut Constructors
Kadon Trucking
Syar Industries
The Wattle Guys
V.Dolan Trucking
Bronze Sponsor
Aaction Rents
Adobe Associates, Inc.
APM Homes
Canyon Rock Co., Inc.
George Petersen Insurance
PACE Supply
RCX, Inc.
Siri Grading & Paving, Inc.
Media Sponsor
Sound Ideas


By Ellyn Moscowitz

March 22, 2019

On March 21, 2019, the Press Democrat reported on a class action lawsuit that was brought
against Ashbritt International and Tetra Tech, the engineering and general contractors
responsible for the clean‐up and debris removal of fire afflicted properties in Northern
California. The Federal lawsuit, brought by property owners who lost their homes in the 2017
wildfires, alleges a fraudulent scheme to 1) over‐excavate properties to bill more for removal of
debris; 2) falsifying reports that stated contaminated properties were “safe and
“uncontaminated” and 3) resulted in more expensive engineering costs to rebuild their
damaged properties. The lawsuit was brought under the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act (RICO), a law originally created to deal with the influence of the Mafia and
organized crime!

Subcontractors in Sonoma and Napa Counties, who worked with Ashbritt and Tetra Tech, are
understandably nervous about what this lawsuit means to them. The Northern California
Engineering & Contractors Association (NCECA) has asked us to explain 1) what a class action
lawsuit is; 2) how contractors may be implicated in the scheme, and 3) what steps you can take
to protect your company.

Q: What are the specific facts alleged to be unlawful?

Ashbritt and Tetra Tech contracted with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) to test
the soil and remove debris from areas damaged by the fire;

That during their scope of work contractors removed excessive amounts soil, structure,
vegetation or land materials that were not contaminated, to boost the price of the
removal because Defendants were paid by the ton—the more they removed, the more
they were paid;

That Defendants caused damage to or destroyed sidewalks, driveways, wells and septic

That Defendants left contaminated materials on the properties and falsely reported the
land was safe;

And that they contracted with subcontractors to be part of this “scheme.”
Q: What is a class action lawsuit?
Individual property owners can collectively bring a lawsuit against Ashbritt and Tetra
Tech when there are so many potential plaintiffs in a case that bringing such cases individually
may be cost prohibitive to the plaintiff and tie up the courts in hundreds of lawsuits. A class
action must be certified by a Judge to proceed as a class action. Here, three individual home
owners brought the suit on behalf of some 14,000 home owners whose property had debris
removed by Ashbritt and Tetra Tech. The potential number of plaintiffs, 14,000 meets the
“numerosity” requirement for class certification. A party seeking a class action must also prove
there are common questions of law and facts so that all issues are worked on together in one
case. Here, the Ashbritt and Tetra Tech may argue that each property has unique characteristics;
that not all properties were damaged, and many had different subcontractors doing the work on
a multitude of properties. The decision about whether this case will proceed as a class action
will not occur until later this year. If the Judge decides against class certification, then each
individual property owner who has a dispute must bring their claims to court individually.

Q: How can subcontractors be brought into the lawsuit?
There are three possible ways contractors who worked with Ashbritt could be brought in: 1)
Ashbritt could “counter sue” the subcontractors who worked with them and allege the
individual contractors working on the land are at fault or were “involved in the scheme”; 2) The
Plaintiffs in this lawsuit could add the contractors in when the names of the subcontractors are
“discovered” under the Doe substitution process or 3) The plaintiffs can bring individual lawsuits
against subcontractors for over‐excavating or tree and vegetation removal;.

Q: Who Might Become Defendants?
If your company contracted with Ashbritt or Tetra Tech over the clean‐up of properties, you
might be brought into the suit. Already, a tree removal service has been sued separately for
removing too many trees as part of the clean‐up. Road companies, excavation contractors, well
or septic companies, electrical contractors and plumbing contractors who did work on the
contaminated properties could also be brought into the suit if you contracted with Ashbritt or
Tetra Tech.

Q: What should I do if I get sued in connection with this case?
Obviously, you should contact your lawyer, or if you don’t have one who can handle these types
of cases, feel free to call our office for help. Not all lawsuits have to be long, protracted or
expensive. It depends on how much of a role your company played in the clean‐up; whether you
acknowledge harm was done and want to enter into a settlement with specific homeowners; or
whether you believe you’ve done nothing wrong and need a strong advocate on your behalf.

To seek advice, please contact me at Smith Dollar at (707) 522‐1100, or email me at

Ellyn Moscowitz, Esq.
Smith Dollar

Smith Dollar Employment Law Notes – December 19, 2018

New California Employment Laws for 2019—The “Big Four”

Undoubtedly, we all have 🎵It’s the Holiday Season🎵 echoing in our minds and ears as the year comes to a close. However, those with responsibility for employees cannot be lulled into believing the holiday season will serve as protection for not changing policies and practices immediately due to new laws coming in 2019.

This is especially true in California. 2018 was littered with landmines when it came to changes in statutes, regulations, or the court’s interpretation of existing standards. As we all know, California had the dubious honor of serving as the battlefront in the #MeToo movement.

Below, please find a listing of the most impactful changes, which we call the “Big Four”.  While not comprehensive, this list does provide you with a quick index to review to see if your business needs to make any changes — applications, employee handbooks, employment agreements, independent contractor agreements, severance agreements, etc. Otherwise, if those changes are not incorporated in the coming weeks, your business could be at risk of a visit from the Labor Commissioner or a process server come January 2.

Four Major Court Decisions

It seemed like every month in 2018, California employers were hit with a new court case that greatly impacted the way they went about their business. However, a number of them left so many unanswered questions that it was particularly difficult for employers (and counsel!) to discern and implement reliable new standards. In fact, the Dynamex decision on employment misclassification has already experienced two subsequent cases revising its impact—Curry and Garcia—and is awaiting a decision in a third on a motion for summary judgment—Western States Trucking Association—that identifying the explicit change in law moving forward would be an educated guess at best.

Happily, the below identifies four (4) court decisions that provided some definitive guidance on issues that impact employers throughout the state. Review these decisions, update your practices and training, and you will be in a good position heading into the new year.

  1. Standard Disciplinary Actions Cannot Constitute Constructive Discharge Unless they Involve Continuous Patterns of Mistreatment or Aggravating Working Conditions

In Simers v. Los Angeles Times Commc’ns, LLC, Plaintiff, a well-known sports columnist, sued defendant Los Angeles Times alleging disability and age discrimination, and constructive termination. The California Court of Appeal affirmed the dismissal of the constructive termination claim, and held that the use of standard employer disciplinary actions – e.g., criticism, investigation, demotion, performance plan – cannot constitute constructive discharge, even if undertaken for reasons later found to involve discrimination, unless they were employed in an unusually aggravated manner or involved a pattern of continuous mistreatment.

Take Away: Establish objective and impartial discipline procedures and document, document and document!

  1. Disclosure of Sensitive Personnel Information to Nonsupervisory Employees can Lead to Liability under Privacy Laws—for the Employer and Supervisor 

In Hurley v. Cal. Dep’t of Parks & Recreation, an employee overheard her supervisor discussing details of her personnel file with a nonsupervisory employee. The supervisor mentioned plaintiff’s probation at a prior job, a health insurance issue, and that her psychologist recommended that she take leave for one month. The employee filed an internal complaint and the supervisor acquired the employee’s supervisory drop file in anticipation of being interviewed, only to subsequently retire with the file still in the supervisor’s possession.

The employee filed a complaint in state court against her employer and supervisor alleging various employment related causes of action, including intentional infliction of emotional distress against defendant and her supervisor.  After learning that the supervisor never returned the file, the employee amended the complaint to include claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the California Information Practices Act (“IPA”), and breach of medical confidentiality.

After the defendants lost at trial, they appealed and lost again. The California Court of Appeal noted that the disclosure of records covered by the IPA is not limited to personnel files, and the file at issue qualified.  Further, the file was improperly disclosed on multiple occasions and the disclosures were sufficient to have caused emotional distress.

Take Away: While a violation of the IPA is limited to public entities only, employers are cautioned that employee information (personnel file, leaves of absence forms, etc.) needs to be protected and should be disclosed on a need to know basis only.

  1. Standard Workers Compensation Compromise and Release Agreements Do Not Release all Potential Claims

In Camacho v. Target Corp., the employee and employer settled a workers compensation claim using a standardized compromise and release form, providing that the release applies only to the workers compensation and related claims. The parties then added an addendum that specified additional particular claims. Shortly thereafter, the employee filed a civil complaint alleging harassment against the employer, and the employer argued unsuccessfully that the form release covered that claim.

The California Court of Appeals found that the language in the release was not sufficiently clear to put plaintiff on notice that he was signing a general release of liability.

Take Away: If an employer wants to resolve all claims at the same time as a workers’ compensation settlement, the employer should use an appropriate agreement containing general release language and waivers to ensure there is no ambiguity to what is being released.

  1. Timekeeping System that Rounds Time is Legal so Long as System Does Not Systematically Undercount

In AHMC Healthcare, Inc. v. Superior Court, the Court of Appeal reaffirmed the rule that a rounding policy is lawful if it is facially neutral, consistently applied, and does not favor the employer to a significant degree.  Further, rounding policies are not analyzed on an individual employee basis: even if an individual employee is undercompensated, so long as all employees as a group are compensated fairly, the policy is lawful.

Take Away: While a rounding policy may be lawful, it is expensive to defend as an expert needs to be retained to analyze all employee time records.  Since most employers use time clocks or POS systems to record time and not manual paper records, there is no real need to round anymore. This practice should be discontinued.

Four “Me-Too” Developments

The #MeToo moment transitioned into the #MeToo movement in 2018—most significantly in California. Many new bills were proposed and considered. Many were signed by Governor Brown. The bulk of the new statutes expand existing protections. Some added new restrictions and requirements around resolving workplace sexual harassment. Here are four  of the most notable changes:

  1. FEHA Amendments (SB 1300)

The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is amended as follows:

  1. Employers now liable for any kind of unlawful harassment by non-employees where the employer knew or should have known of the harassment and failed to take appropriate corrective action;
  2. Employers cannot require an employee to release a FEHA claim in exchange for a raise or bonus or as a condition of employment or continued employment;
  3. Employer cannot  require an employee to sign a non-disparagement agreement or other document preventing the employee  from disclosing information about unlawful acts in the workplace;
  4. Adds declarations clarifying the Legislature’s intent with regard to the application of the anti-harassment laws:
    1. A single incident, including a “stray remark” may be sufficient to create a triable issue regarding the existence of a hostile work environment.
    2. Statements uttered by a non-decisionmaker can be considered as part of the totality of the circumstances for hostile work environments Harassment cases are rarely appropriate for disposition on summary judgment.
    3. The legal standard for sexual harassment does not vary by type of workplace.


  1. Expansion of Relationships Covered Under FEHA (SB 224)

SB 224 added, ““investor, elected official, lobbyist, director, and producer” among those listed persons who may be liable to a plaintiff for sexual harassment under Civil Code, § 51.9 of who may be personally liable for sexual harassment.

  1. Sexual Harassment Training for All Employees and Small Employers (SB 1343)

SB 1343 expands the present requirement of employers to provide at least 2 hours of sexual harassment prevention training to all supervisors and managers every 2 years, or within 6 months of an employee becoming a supervisor or manager to include employers with at least 5 employees. Previously, it was limited to employers of 50 or more.  The amendment also requires employers to provide at least one hour of training to non-supervisory employees by January 1, 2020, and once every 2 years thereafter.

  1. Female Directors on Corporate Boards (SB 826)

SB 826 requires publicly-held domestic and foreign corporations with principal executive offices in California to have a minimum of one female director on their boards by the end of 2019. This minimum gradually increases over the next years, depending upon the size of the entity.

Take Away:  We expect to see a rise in sexual harassment claims in 2019 based on the clarifications made by the Legislature.  Employers be aware and train, train, train, discipline, and train (and discipline) some more.

Four Other  Changes

Beyond #MeToo, there are a number of other statutory and regulatory changes that went into effect in 2018. These changes should spur employers to review and revise current employee handbooks, practices, policies, and training to ensure that they are compliant.

Here are four of those changes that could impact your business:

  1. Expansion of National Origin Discrimination under FEHA

California law already prohibits discrimination on the basis of “national origin,” but new regulations were published that expanded the definition of this protected category, effective July 1, 2018. It now includes prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation regarding all of the following:

  • Physical, cultural, or linguistic characteristics associated with a national origin group;
  • Marriage to or association with persons of a national origin group;
  • Tribal affiliation;
  • Membership in or association with an organization identified with or seeking to promote the interests of a national origin group;
  • Attendance or participation in schools, churches, temples, mosques, or other religious institutions generally used by persons of a national origin group; and
  • Name that is associated with a national origin group.

The regulations also clarify that “national origin group” includes any ethnic groups, geographic places of origin, and countries that are not presently in existence. This may include micro-nations, which claim to be independent nations, or states that are not recognized in the international community.

In addition, the new regulations address language restriction policies, limited to circumstances where the restriction is justified as a business necessity, narrowly tailored, and employer documents communicating to employees the language restriction, when it applies, and what happens to employees who violate it.

  1. Copy of Payroll Records (SB 1252)

SB 1252 amends Labor Code Section 226 to clarify that employees have the right “to receive” a copy within twenty-one (21) days of the request. The prior version of the section provided that employees solely had a right to inspect or copy their payroll records in that timeframe.

  1. Lactation Accommodation (AB 1976)

AB 1976 amends Labor Code, § 1031 and requires an employer to make reasonable efforts to provide an employee with “use of a room or other location, other than a bathroom, to accommodate an employee desiring to express breast milk” for a child. The new law substitutes “bathroom” for “bathroom stall”.

  1. Criminal History Inquiries (SB 1412)

SB 1412 amends the Labor Code to tighten the exception to the prohibition of criminal history inquiries to apply only where an employer is required by law to inquire into a “particular conviction,” or where the employer cannot by law hire someone with a “particular conviction.” A “particular conviction” is defined to mean “a conviction for specific criminal conduct or a category of criminal offenses prescribed by any federal law, federal regulation or state law that contains requirements, exclusions, or both, expressly based on that specific criminal conduct or category of criminal offenses.”

Contact Information”

Diane Aqui

Glenn Smith

Justin Hein

ECA Survey

ECA Survey
As we head into our 2019 year, it is important that we understand what our members want as a “Return on Investment” for belonging to the ECA. In that spirit, I hope you can take a few short minutes to fill out this survey and send it back to us.
Click here for form.

Emergency Response Manual 2019- 2020

It is time to update the Emergency Response Manual.

We provide this manual to local city and county agencies in case of an emergency we can help serve our community.

If you are a contractor or an affiliate that can provide assistance in an emergency please fill out the attached ER Info Flyer.

We are also offering advertising. For those interested in advertising in the Emergency Manual see attached ER Ad Flyer.

Team Ghilotti

Corporate Member – Team Ghilotti
Experience, Expertise, Integrity
Kevin Ghilotti, Matt Verke, Robert Lee,Joe Moreria
Glen and Kevin Ghilotti started Team Ghilotti, Inc. in 2007 bringing with them a culture of family, community, and expertise in the construction industry. Glen Ghilotti believed in quality workmanship completed safely and giving back to the community. When the fires struck, Glen partnered with many local firms to help rebuild Sonoma County.
We are honored to be able to work with other leading professionals in the Bay Area to support the Miracle League of the North Bay. As Team Ghilotti, Inc. continues to grow in the coming years, we will continue our support of our local community and charities.
Glen genuinely cared for each of his employees. His employees were an extension of his family. In honor of Henry James “Babe” Ghilotti, TGI started a scholarship for employees’ family members to attend college. This year, Kevin Ghilotti has continued this scholarship in honor of Glen and keeping with our roots of caring for our employees and their family members.
With Glen’s passing in March of 2018, Kevin and Jennifer Ghilotti have continued TGI’s spirit of work completed with integrity and growing our community with the support of talented construction professionals in Robert Lee, Joe Moreira, Karen Toso, Sean Durenberger, Matt Verke, Mike Sciacca, Alan Texeira, Dan Mercury, Steve Mack, John Loftus, Joe Petroni, Juan Avelar, Mike Daily, Ed Ponte, Fernando Romo Vallejo, John Merz, and Egidio Bettinelli.
Team Ghilotti continues to perform complex projects such as the P-1 Pipeline project in Cotati with adherence to the same standards set by our founder, Glen Ghilotti; standards of quality, longevity, and safety. We maintain a fleet of specialized equipment and employ the latest technologies available in the industry for projects to be completed timely and with precision. With a knowledgeable staff, state-of-the art equipment, and dedication to innovation in design and implementation, TGI can deliver construction projects that are built to last.
Team Ghilotti, Inc. looks forward to serving our communities for many years to come.
To find out more about Team Ghilotti, Inc., please visit our website at
Team Ghilotti, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.

Job opening

Advanced Stormwater Protection, Inc, a stormwater and water resources consulting firm is growing. This growth has created an exciting opportunity in Northern California for a QSP or QSD of any level to implement SWPPP, inspect BMP’s, investigate, sample and monitor stormwater discharges in order to maintain client compliance. This inspection position will evaluate and resolve client stormwater federal, state, and local regulatory compliance needs through site auditing activities which include inspection, sampling, other field related activities, reporting and the establishment and maintenance of the inspection routes.

Requirements: Construction Management or related field experience in stormwater services delivery and inspections. Must have working knowledge of local regulations and be skilled in program development, system design and scheduling and routing inspection services activities. QSP and/or QSD certification required as well as a valid driver’s license, clean driving record and reliable transportation.

The successful candidate must be a self-starter, have strong technical writing and problem-solving skills, good observation and communication skill with the ability to work independently.

If you do not have the requirements or skills listed above ASP, Inc will sponsor and support you in training and getting you certified through our 90-day training/probation period.

We offer interesting, technically challenging work within a supportive work environment as well as a comprehensive compensation package. Please submit a resume and letter of interest to

Thank you for your time,

Jason Griffin, President

CPESC #6764, QSD #22388




Stormwater Solutions

An article in Storm Water Sollutions on January 26, 2018. ECA member Doug Allard, The Wattle Guys transormed his property to produce straw wattles and inlet protection on site.

for more information go to this link!