John’s Soapbox:
Taxation With No Intended Purpose-
Well the 1st of the year is here and has passed, and some of what we have been talking about happening, is happening. Let’s talk about one item that will affect nearly every one of us as individuals, and as businesses-the enactment of Cap and Trade on oil refineries in California.
The concept here is that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) wants to reduce carbon emissions to, arguably, comply with the EPA’s demand that they do so. By “taxing”, or forcing heavy carbon fuel producers to buy “credits” for their carbon emissions, the concept is that the folks buying the credits will “feel the pain” and stop emitting so many tons of carbon into our atmosphere.
So-now that the refineries have been included, what is really their incentive to reduce carbon emissions? They have told us for years they will simply raise the cost of their refined fuels to cover the credits, and we just saw the first fuel increase in many months within the last few days. The ‘talking heads” keep telling us the fuel price increases we can expect range from a few pennies per gallon to as much as 76 cents per gallon. Let me ask you all a question-since fuel prices have dropped dramatically in the last several months, has that led to you driving more miles or are you driving about the same miles and just pocketing the savings? If you are like me, you are not driving more miles, you are driving about the same miles. So, if logic holds, if CARB raises the cost of my diesel at the pump by charging the refineries for carbon credits, will that make me drive less? Nope!
So-in effect, the cap and trade machinations will simply create some more money for the politicians in Sacramento to spend. Not on transportation or highway improvements! Some of that new revenue will certainly go towards the high speed railway-but it will not go towards alleviating traffic congestion on Highway 37 for example.
So if the original intent was to lower carbon emissions, it does not appear that will happen. So, surprise surprise-we have Taxation With No Intended Purpose”.
If you want to read more opinion on this matter, click here–
That’s All Folks!
John Bly
Engineering News Stories From December 29-january 7, 2015
Golden Gate Bridge To Close 1-9-15 for 52 hours: link
Driver’s Licenses Issued To Undocumented Aliens:link
California Fuel Prices Rise Due To Cap and Trade Fees: link
North Bay Business Journal’s Top Real Estate Projects for 2014: link
Local Economic Predictions For Sonoma County: link
Alameda Point Development Team Selected For $500Million Project: link
Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Barrier Work To Begin In June, 2015:link
ECA Safety Classes &
Safety Kick off for 2015!
Sign up today!
Safety Kick-off
Wednesday, February 18
NCBE, 1030 Apollo Way
7:45 am – 10 am
CPR/First Aid
Tuesday, February 10
9 am – noon
Competent Person / Trench & Excavation
Thursday, February 12
8 am – noon
Confined Space
Wednesday, February 25
8 am – noon
For more information, contact Mary. mary@nceca.org
New Industrial Permit Seminar
Thursday, February 5
noon – 1:30 pm
Wedgewood Wedding & Banquet Center at Foxtail Golf Club
Save the date!!!
ECA Installation & Awards Dinner
Be sure to join us at our 38th Annual Installation & Awards Dinner
We will be Welcoming incoming President:
Mike Gulley, Northwest General Engineering and the 2015 ECA Board!
We will be also honoring
Contractor of the Year: Northwest General Engineering
Affiliate of the Year: Deanne Glover, Heffernan Insurance
The Hermsmeyer Hall of Fame Award will be awarded to Jim Syar, Syar Industries
Posthumous – Henry J. “Babe” Ghilotti
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Flamingo Conference Resort & Spa
2777 Fourth Street
Invitation, click here
To sponsor, click here!
Thank you to:
Northwest General Engineering – President Sponsor
Syar Industries – Dessert & Coffee Bar & Awards & Gifts Sponsor
Team Ghilotti – Vice President Sponsor
Advanced Stormwater Protection, Inc. – Co-hosted Wine Sponsor
CR Fedrick Inc. – Centerpiece Sponsor
Daniel O. Davis – Co-Hosted Bar Sponsor
Ghilotti Bros. Inc. – Co-Hosted Bar Sponsor
Ghilotti Construction – Co-Hosted Champagne
Heffernan Insurance – Co-Hosted Wine
Pace Supply – Co-Hosted Champagne
Peterson CAT – Co-Hosted Wine Sponsor
Pisenti & Brinker LLP – Port & Cigar Bar
RCX Inc. – Co-Hosted Bar Sponsor
R&S Trucking – Dinner Wine Sponsor
Soiland Inc. – Wine Dinner Co-Host Sponsor
Aaction Rents – Bronze Sponsor
Wheeler Zamaroni Landscape Supplies – Bronze Sponsor