John’s Soapbox
Endings and Beginnings
As we get closer to being in 2017, we see all the TV shows bring the “year in review” type shows to us. I’m going to give a very short version of that type of review, but with a larger focus on what’s coming up in 2017.
*ECA continued to recover financially and we were able to “backfill” our financial reserves to where they had been in 2011.
*ECA continued our presence on a committee that make key decisions on how tax dollars are spent from Measure M (these dollars not only go to Highway 101 construction but also go towards City and County projects dealing with roads, bike paths, bridges, and public transportation projects). As Measure M reaches the end of its effective taxation life, a group of elected leaders are discussing what to do about completing Highway 101 widening. The ECA will be involved in the process to determine whether to ask voters to extend a “reconstructed” Measure M for another 20 years. Part of the decision will be the “split” between Highway 101 projects, the amount that goes to the Cities and County, and if SMART continues to receive a percentage of the tax revenue.
*The ECA remains on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act committee that is tasked with formation of the actual governing body that must be in place in June of 2017. This will directly affect private and municipal well owners and users as the agency will have to fund itself from fees and usage taxes. Best to be “at the table”!!
*We successfully did our usual group of events in 2016 and in 2017 we will continue but with some changes. No longer will we have MSA our “cooking partner” for our Public Officials Night or our Car Show. We also have lost long time Car Show volunteers Mark Powell and Jim Huppert. We could use some help replacing those guys if you are so inclined!!!
*We will continue to work closely with local elected in trying to strike a balance with environmental protection and local housing construction. Our buildable land is limited due to wetlands and endangered species protection. We are trying to open up some more developable lands by using existing Open Space acreage as a mitigation bank.
*ECA continued to recover financially and we were able to “backfill” our financial reserves to where they had been in 2011.
*ECA continued our presence on a committee that make key decisions on how tax dollars are spent from Measure M (these dollars not only go to Highway 101 construction but also go towards City and County projects dealing with roads, bike paths, bridges, and public transportation projects). As Measure M reaches the end of its effective taxation life, a group of elected leaders are discussing what to do about completing Highway 101 widening. The ECA will be involved in the process to determine whether to ask voters to extend a “reconstructed” Measure M for another 20 years. Part of the decision will be the “split” between Highway 101 projects, the amount that goes to the Cities and County, and if SMART continues to receive a percentage of the tax revenue.
*The ECA remains on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act committee that is tasked with formation of the actual governing body that must be in place in June of 2017. This will directly affect private and municipal well owners and users as the agency will have to fund itself from fees and usage taxes. Best to be “at the table”!!
*We successfully did our usual group of events in 2016 and in 2017 we will continue but with some changes. No longer will we have MSA our “cooking partner” for our Public Officials Night or our Car Show. We also have lost long time Car Show volunteers Mark Powell and Jim Huppert. We could use some help replacing those guys if you are so inclined!!!
*We will continue to work closely with local elected in trying to strike a balance with environmental protection and local housing construction. Our buildable land is limited due to wetlands and endangered species protection. We are trying to open up some more developable lands by using existing Open Space acreage as a mitigation bank.
In short, we will continue our Spec Committee and our Community Relations Committee work and provide our members with a great Return on Investment. We will start a Marv Soiland Academy to interest and train future engineering industry workers. Please continue to support our efforts as they are providing our members with opportunities for growth and profits that otherwise might not be there.
Here is hoping 2016 was a great year for you and 2017 will be even better!
That’s All Folks
Yours truly,