John’s Soapbox-
EVP Newsletter 2-14-17
Hope for Future Work Force?
In light of the need for additional 360,000 skilled crafts workers by October of 2019 for the Construction industry, s current President Dale Mahoney said in his first Board meeting on 1-17-17, “We need to develop our own skilled labor force of the future by getting high school seniors interested in our industry as a career”.
President Dale and our Board directed me to get more involved in this effort and after a few phone calls, I find a lot of groundwork has already been done by the Sonoma County Office of Education, the North Coast Builders Exchange, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and Doug Hamilton of Oak Grove Construction. Rather than “reinvent” the wheel, the ECA wants to enthusiastically support and assist the ongoing efforts that are already in place.
One of those efforts is called the Construction Corps. To view the flyer for the Construction Corps, click here–
What this program is doing is multifaceted:
- Reaching out to high school seniors and inviting them to attend basic classroom and field training sessions to make them knowledgeable and certified in certain construction skills.
- Invite students to “job shadow” in the Construction industry to see firsthand what opportunities might exist for students who choose vocational work rather than going on to college.
- Pay students to attend a two week “Bootcamp” that can become a “Pathway to a Paycheck” for those that attend and graduate.
- Actively seek companies who will place the Construction Corps and Pathway to Paycheck graduates in paying positions in the construction industry.
If this sounds like something that has been needed for a long time, you are correct! I had the pleasure of attending a Saturday training program (along with President Dale Mahoney) at Oak Grove’s yard on 2-11-17. Fourteen high school seniors showed up to get their fork lift certification from Oak Grove’s instructors and from Jim Persons of Safety Pride. These high school seniors not only got first hand training in the classroom and on the forklifts, but they got some “life lessons” explained by Oak Grove’s Doug Hamilton as well. Doug started out explaining that workers who show up with proper rest, with a good attitude, with proper clothing, with proper personal protective equipment (and the knowledge of how to use it), and with a basic knowledge of how to lift properly without hurting their backs, can be on the path to a great career in the construction industry. The fourteen high school seniors attending this first session were clear eyed, had firm handshakes, and were genuinely interested in what they were being taught. I would say each and every one of them should be given an opportunity with your firm and you would be fortunate to have them!
So how can you get involved and what is needed? We need the following:
- A) Companies that want to allow students to “job shadow”
- B) Individuals willing to instruct these young people in various categories of our industry. I have included the basic outline of the skills that the Construction Corps will be teaching these students. link
- C) Get your company to commit to hiring these young people this summer!!
Remember-this program has already started. We are jumping in after long hours of laying the groundwork has been done by volunteers. We can help reap the rewards with very little input at this point. So-are you going to need to hire some young people in the future? Then let’s commit right now so the program can go into the schools and let the students know there are dozens of jobs awaiting these students when they complete the Construction Corps program!
Thanks for all you do!
That’s All Folks
Emergency Work Started On Highway 37 by Caltrans and Ghilotti Construction:
As I reported in the 1-31-17 Newsletter, emergency work has begun to raise the roadway and fix the recent and frequent road closures forcing folks to commute via Atherton Way into Novato (adding roughly 35-40 minutes to an already long commute). Click here for the Press Democrat article.
Retention-Any Cities Holding More Than 5% on Public Works Projects?
Recently, it came to my attention that Petaluma is still holding 10% retention. They are not allowed to by the California Public Contract Code. The ECA has started the process to get this changed by writing to the Public Works Director and sending a copy of the pertinent Public Contract Code to him for forwarding to those appropriate. The ECA will stay on this! If you know of any other Municipality holding more than 5% retention, let me know!
ECA Spec Committee Starts Up!
Our first meeting of the year will take place this Thursday, 4pm-5:30pm, and will address retention issues, new rules for water lines installed for fire protection, and paving limits from ditch edges to edge of curb and gutter. ECA is trying to clarify issues of importance to you Contractors.
Contractor Safety Kickoff 2017
Safety Kickoff Conference for 2017 delivers information that empower individuals and organizations to create safer workplaces. Jim, Eric and Hallie, are focused on a common goal of achieving workplace safety excellence. It’s the safety conference you and your team shouldn’t miss… Being held on Wednesday, February 22.