ECA Newsletter 10-18-18 John’s Soapbox Influence I have been working closely with political campaigns and candidates since 2003. Fifteen years now. Wow. I have never seen a more dangerous set of decisions put before the voters regarding the ECA and its membership. I will include, after this Soapbox, a list of our ECA Endorsed candidates and issues, but this Soapbox is about much more than just endorsing. Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Santa Rosa Metro Chamber Advocacy Endorsed Candidate Forum. There was another event in Petaluma that I wanted to attend but could not be in two places at once. At the event last night, the crowd got to hear from many of the endorsed candidates (endorsed by the Santa Rosa Metro Chamber). We heard from State Assemblyman Jim Wood, SR City Council Candidates Tom Schwedhelm/John Sawyer/Dorothy Beattie, and SRJC Trustee Candidate Jeff Kunde. Peter Rumble did a fine job hosting the event. I bring this info to you to illustrate a point. We can all show up, we can generously write a check to support our candidates and issues, and we can vote for those candidates and issues. But something Jim Wood said, and Tom Schwedhelm elaborated on, really hit home: WE HAVE TO INFLUENCE OTHERS The stakes could not be higher. Let’s just talk about Prop 6. Supporters of Prop 6 are taking language from the ballot measure and twisting it into their own B.S. I constantly read on social media the following arguments in favor of those supporting Prop 6:
Now, I can continue, and I will, going on social media sites and responding to each and every one of these claims with real facts. But I need your help. As an ECA Member help me out on the social media sites. Share the No on 6 Posts, comment, or like the post. People, you must understand the significance of Prop 6 passing. If it passes, there will be $3.7 Billion removed from our project “oxygen supply” in the next 10 years in the Bay Area alone. When you take that much away from the big guys bidding that work, where do you think they will go to get work? That’s right-they will come right down into your smaller jobs that you have been making bank on while they have been busy on the big stuff. The entire market will compress and all the companies that rely on that $3.7 Billion will not only not grow, they will shrink. Go talk to your owners and see what your future salary track looks like if the market share shrinks, rather than just stays the same. This Prop 6 will affect every one of you in the ECA. So, Jim Wood and Tom Schwedhelm last night talked about how dire the situation will be should Prop 6 fail and should good business candidates like John Sawyer for SR Council, Dorothy Beattie for SR Council, Jim Wood for State Asse mbly, Mike Harris for Petaluma Mayor, etc., etc. not win. If Prop 6 alone is passed, the Counties and Cities in the North Bay Area will be impacted to such a degree we will see very little spent on roads and bridges because they will not be able to keep up with the backlog that 35 years of underfunding those needs have created. When you cannot maintain roads, and water degrades the subgrade, the maintenance costs go because it soon becomes a reconstruct, rather than a maintenance item. Voting for Prop 6 will ruin all the gains we have made in the last 5-7 years. So here we are. The ECA has donated monies from our PAC. Individual companies have written big checks to oppose Prop 6. We need help from everyone! I can go out there and advocate to oppose Prop 6 but I need your help! What is needed, is that our members need to go to the No on Prop 6 link below, and understand the Myths vs Facts, and start engaging in influencing people one at a time. We need every vote to count against this catastrophe called Prop 6. Go on social media, respond to those myths I listed above and share the posts (and believe you me you will see those comments over and over again). Talk to your workers, your suppliers and vendors and subcontractors. Talk to your neighbors & your family. Put up a sign, we have some in our office. Write another check to the No on 6 campaign so they can continue their ads on TV past next week. INFLUENCE PEOPLE. The safety of our roads depends on you. Our local work force depends on you. Because of the generosity of our members giving back to the community, our community depends on you. Please-DO MORE! Influence Someone Today! Yours Truly That’s All Folks- John Bly *********************************************************************** To get the list of currently scheduled local Bay Area Region projects that would be affected or taken away by the passage of Prop 6, go to this link: The ECA endorses the following candidates and Ballot Measures. link Please Influence People to see the benefit of what we are endorsing! |