Standard Disclaimer-The “Soapbox” is not intended to portray any official ECA position or opinion. Nor is it to be inferred that any ECA member shares the opinion stated in the Soapbox. The Soapbox is purely intended to be an Op-Ed piece done by John Bly each week to stimulate interest and thought on a wide range of topics.
“Bringin’ It”
I thought about writing regarding any number of topics, but I feel compelled to make one final attempt to finish what we started regarding the “raffle” concept of backfilling income during this pandemic year. The short version of why this is important is not the few dollars it brings in that will help supplement ECA income that we did not get in 2021 from events that had to be “free” or postponed until 2022. The importance of the raffle is that it would demonstrate that our Board and membership is in step with us.
We certainly hope we are uniformly working towards some of the items that we are working on like getting up to $85 million in backlog for City of Santa Rosa Utilities/Public Works projects out to bid sooner rather than later. Nobody is working on economic development that would so directly benefit ECA member firms as that. But we are.
I am not going to list all of the other things we are working on by representing ECA member firm’s interests on, but when you look at what we do and what monumental efforts it takes to get either Measure DD passed (woot woot), or SB! (woot woot) or working with the City of SR to get more dollars on the street than anybody has been able to do in the past 20 years, we certainly feel we are “bringing it”. By bringing it, I mean “return on investment”.
If you agree, won’t you help us by showing your support by committing to buying a few of the remaining 30 or so raffle tickets for $100 each that would give you a “1 in 100” chance at a $5,000 coupon from Novato Mayor Eric Lucan’s bike shop? If you are so inclined, please contact Mary at and let’s get the last of these tickets sold so we can announce the winner at the next Board meeting on November 16.
Thank you for your continued support of the ECA in the past 45 years and we hope we stay sustainable and relevant for another 45 years!!
That’s All Folks!
John Bly