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John’s Soapbox – March 6, 2023
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City of Santa Rosa Asset Management
I have been writing about the “bottleneck” for capital improvement projects (CIPs) for some time. The City of SR says they are working with 50% staffing. I take them at their word. My entire focus has been to collaborate and assist in any way possible to get more CIP’s out to bid faster. Period.
The other item I have been asking for is a list of asset management items from the City of SR. Assets for the City include water lines, sewer lines, roads,
buildings, treatment plants and pumping stations, and other items that sometime have projects go to bid to our ECA firms. To that end, I have a copy of the power point deck that was recently presented to the Board of Public Utilities for the City of SR. I have included the slide deck for you to look at by clicking on this link–
A few items of interest that I glean from this presentation:
Water System Assets:
*650 miles of transmission and distribution mains
*24 reservoirs
*20 booster stations
*Current CIP is $14 million per year
*$340 million additional CIP funding needed over the next 10 years
Sewer System Assets
*600 miles of trunks and collection mains
*17 sewage lift stations
*Total replacement cost of $2.1 billion in 2022 dollars
*Current CIP is $13 million per year
From these power point slides, the City of SR has $27 million budgeted for CIP projects each year. That is a big number. I would like to have a meeting with staff and find out their detailed plan going forward for putting out $27 million a year in CIPs for water and sewer only. I would love to see that many projects.
That’s All Folks!
February 27, 2023
February 27 Newsletter link
February 13, 2023
February 13, 2023 Newsletter – Click HERE
February 6, 2023
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January 30, 2023
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January 23, 2023
ECA newsletter click HERE