Northern California Engineering Contractors Association

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Roger Hermsmeyer Obituary (1942 – 2022) – Clio, CA – Press Democrat (

Fentanyl deaths resulting from our open border policy to the South are killing 100,000 United States citizens each year.  That is the equivalent of a jumbo jet crash every day killing all passengers on board.  Every day!!  Vote!

200,000 illegal border crossings each month from Mexico, is the equivalent of 22 jumbo jets carrying 300 passengers every single day into the United States. Vote!

PLA-The City of Santa Rosa is poised to present and vote on a Project Labor Agreement for public works construction.  Because of the ECA’s ability to influence local policies, we have been asked to bring a few folks to a meeting on Tuesday to discuss some possible exceptions that will be considered to include in the PLA going to Council in September.  I am grateful for being asked to influence the content of the PLA, and hope our meeting goes well on 8-16-22.  Thank you also to Team G, GCC, GBI and Argo for agreeing to participate in this very important meeting with the City of SR.  More to come—-

From Bill Olmo and the American Subcontractor Association of California from 20 years or so ago, their position statement policy on PLA’s: Click here and here

From United Contractors-their position/policy on PLA’s-



 Covid reminder- On February 9, 2022, Governor Newsom signed a new law requiring employers to provide supplemental COVID-19 paid sick leave during 2022 through September 30, 2022.  The law, SB 114, unlike the supplemental paid sick leave law passed in 2021, provides for no offsetting tax credits for employers to assist with the added costs this paid sick leave places on businesses across the state.  Here are five reminders for California employers about the law and its related deadlines as we approach its September 30th expiration: