Northern California Engineering Contractors Association


Committee News

CR Committee-Chair Lacey Torkelson Smith and yours truly did a one hour “ride-a-ling” with City of Santa Rosa City Manager Smith on Friday to see firsthand how weeds and poor maintenance by the City of Santa Rosa is hurting the appearance of the city.  This is important because businesses and residents look at the appearance of the city and get first, second, and lasting impressions about living here, or moving here.  The ECA and Lacey are supportive of cleanup efforts, but we have some reservations that we expressed to City Manager Smith on Friday.  More to come later—

Auction Committee-no report

Golf Committee-the Tournament is set for Friday July 21, 2023.  We will be going back to our old favorite at Windsor Golf Course.

Spec Committee-The first meeting with the revamped Spec Committee was held on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, from 4-5:30pm.  The minutes are attached HERE so you can see how the ECA is representing our contractors, engineers, and members.  Low Impact Development was the main topic, and the meeting was important, and eye-opening.               

Car Show Committee-No report

Nominating Committee– The proposed slate 2023 Board of Directors was made to the General Membership on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at the Annual General Membership Meeting and the General Membership voted in the entire slate of 2023 Directors.  Thanks to the General Membership and to the 2022 Directors under the leadership of President Walt Turner.  Next, we have the 2023 calendar year led by new President Antonio
Mencarini and his 2023 Board of Directors ~ click here

Please save the date of our Installation and Awards Dinner on Feb 4, 2023, at the Rohnert Park Hilton Doubletree.  This is the event that will showcase our Volunteer of the Year Jeanine Cleary (Argonaut), Contractor of the Year (Ghilotti Construction Company), Affiliate of the Year (Valdivia Trucking), and our Hall of Fame Newest Inductees (posthumous Ed Winters of Argonaut, and living is Rob Lee of Team G)! We will also be welcoming  incoming President Antonio Mencarini of Ghilotti Construction Company and the 2023 Officers and Board of Directors!

Click here to sponsor and here to register!


Horseplay on the Job


Horseplay leads to many injuries and property loss damage incidents in the United States every year. A quick search on YouTube or Google will show you hundreds of these types of incidents.

While you should enjoy the work that you do, your work should always be completed safely and responsibly.

Click HERE to continue


Lifting & Rigging

Lifting and rigging work tasks are considered a high-hazard task by many companies. There are a
lot of associated hazards that accompany lifting any loads with cranes or equipment.

It is important to not only understand proper rigging techniques, but also the other hazards that
accompany this type of work task.

to continue click HERE

Diesel Exhaust Dangers and Safeguards

On construction sites, mines, and other types of work sites diesel engines are used frequently. Diesel engines power everything from water pumps to heavy equipment that allow for day-to-day activities to be completed efficiently.

While these engines are great tools, precautions need to be taken to protect workers from being over-exposed to diesel exhaust.

Workers exposed to diesel exhaust face the risk of health effects ranging from irritation of the eyes and nose, headaches, and nausea, to respiratory disease and lung cancer.

Click HERE to continue

What Can Hurt Me Today

Every day before our work begins, we should go through some type of process to evaluate the work for the day as well as the associated hazards.

This process can include a self-check as well as a work area inspection and inspection of tools or equipment.

During this process, a main objective should be identifying hazards so that you can take steps to eliminate or mitigate the hazards found. One useful question to ask yourself before a work task begins is: “What can hurt me?”

Click HERE for the rest.

Proper Lifting Techniques

Do you realize you may be risking serious injury many times a day and not even know it? Well, it is true if you do not lift correctly. Improper lifting may cause back injuries that can take months and even years to heal. Sometimes they are permanent and disabling. A little know how, however, can enable you to lift correctly.

Click HERE to continue reading


Emergency Response Manual

Emergency Response Manual for 2023—2024
Now is the time to assure your ad is included!

Reserve your space by November 15, 2022 Art due December 15, 2022

Every two years ECA gathers information we believe will be valuable to you, our associates, business partners, city officials, and the general public.

In the event of an emergency, we would like you to have information available that will help you in the fastest way possible.

Should you be in need of assistance in the following areas, our members can help you! This manual will include in alphabetical order, who to contact for: • Counties Serviced • Services • Equipment • Materials

Obviously, we hope that an emergency situation will not be the reason you need to contact our members, but at least this will help you if the circumstance does arise.

To be included in the Emergency Response Manual click HERE

To have an ad in the Emergency Response Manual click HERE


Extension Cord Safety

We use extension cords almost every day both at work and at home. These are very useful devices, but they can present a fire or shock hazard when either worn out or used improperly.

Click HERE to continue reading


Compressed Air

Compressed air is not a plaything and must be used in a safe manner. So before grabbing an air hose and going into action, there are a number of safety guidelines which should be followed.

First of all, be sure you have the right air hose. Air hoses look alike. Sometimes hose lines are crossed, and you could be fooled.

Click HERE to continue reading