It is important to know the location of underground utility lines on job sites. Rupturing or breaking underground utilities, such as electrical power cables and gas lines can result in serious injuries or even death.
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It is important to know the location of underground utility lines on job sites. Rupturing or breaking underground utilities, such as electrical power cables and gas lines can result in serious injuries or even death.
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When it comes to the festive season, there are additional safety concerns to think about.
There are changes in weather and driving habits, shifts in work/life balance and, often, additional strains on
the families. Without further ado, here are some of the biggest safety concerns during the holiday season.
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Any company that focuses on improving workplace safety aims to get their employees home in the same health they came into work or better every single day.
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On construction sites, mines, and other types of work sites, diesel engines are used frequently. Diesel engines power everything from water pumps to heavy equipment that allows for day-to-day activities to be completed efficiently.
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In some lines of work, it is good to be your own person, but in construction working as a team gets the job done safer. A construction crew should be people working together as a team to accomplish a goal not just people working at a project site.
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Like your eyes, your hands are one of the most important parts of your body. They are
involved in almost everything you do. Yet many things you do with your hands are done
without thought. Your hands have no fear. They will go anyplace they are sent, and they
only act as wisely as you. So, before you use your hands, think of their safekeeping.
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From time to time, it is a good idea to step back and evaluate our safety guidelines with respect to all
elements of project safety. Ladders are an integral part of completing certain tasks and their use should
be well-thought out.
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Surveying is a relatively repetitive and low-hazard task on its own. However, surveyors on construction sites
face many different hazards while completing their work. It is important to evaluate the work environment
and eliminate as many hazards as possible prior to beginning surveying activities onsite.
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